Sonntag, 2. August 2009

Wie macht der Elefant?

Ein immer beliebtes Thema zwischen Deutschen und Amerikanern ist die Frage welches Tier was fuer Geraeusche macht. Amerikanische Froesche machen "ribbit" und die Schweine machen "oink oink" zum Beispiel. Aber wie macht der Elefant??? Emmi ist sich da ganz sicher...

Germans and Americans love to talk with eachother about how different animals sound. At least all the germans and americans we know. The german frog goes "quack" for example and the rooster goes "kikeriki". Obviously a very controversial topic with strong opinions on both sides! But how does the elephant go? Emmi has taken the german side in that matter and is very adement about it too... The elephant goes "Toroet".

2 Kommentare:

Joern and Denise Geleitsmann hat gesagt…

...just too cute!!!

Unknown hat gesagt…

saw it a million times now, but it will prop. always make me laugh....;-)
she is indeed sure bout it,-daddy,-there is NO doubt!!!!!!!!!!