Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

Pool Time!

There is not much else to do in this Texas heat! Did I really tell my parents to come visit us in August? After spending all of August in Germany last year I think I simply forgot how hot it gets in Texas. Oh wait! It's not August yet? It sure does feel like it! We have been going swimming in our Neighborhood Pool almost daily and the girls have turned in little Water Rats. Lily tells me about every five Minutes "Look Mama! I can wimming!" (She has a little trouble pronouncing the "S") and she really gets around great wearing her floaties. And Emmi has really learned how to swim! She can dog paddle about 5 yard distances and can swim even further on her back.We'll be working on swim STYLE next year. Today she learned to float on her back (She can only do it with her eyes closed which looks a bit creepy watching her float around in the pool). She still won't dive but she really wants to and has been practicing dipping her face in the water for a little while (okay, for about half a second that is, but that is actually quite an improvement from her flipping out about a drop of water getting in her face). Baby Steps :) !

Lily loves drying her hair under the hand dryer!

Straight out of the water...

Poolside Snack.

On the way to the Pool. Lily HAD to wear the skirt and don't try to carry the lunchbox for her...

Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011

Funny Lily

Lily always tells on herself. It's hilarious...
Today at lunch:
Lily: Mama go outside!?
Me: Why do you want me to go outside?
Lily: I spit out my peach.
Me: You are going to spit out your peach when I go outside?
Lily: Yes Mama. You go outside I spit out peach.

Mhmmm...let me think for a minute, but I don't think I am going to leave the room...

Lily is very much into pretend play right now. If you see her holding her hands cradled up to her chest she is very likely is holding a pretend Baby. And if I ask her to do something that requires her to use her hands she will very carefully put her invisible "Baby" down and pick it back up right after she is finished. Very cute. I remember Emmi doing the same thing right around this age.

Emmi has been going to Summer Camp for a couple of weeks and Lily is very jealous. I felt bad for her thinking she really misses her sister, but apparently she was only jealous that Emmi got to take a backpack full of food with her in the mornings. So Oma sent Lily her own backpack that I have to fill up now every morning when we go to drop off Emmi. As soon as we get back home Lily goes and sits at her little table to eat all the goodies in it. She now takes her Backpack everywhere and she never forgets to make sure it is fully stocked before we leave the house.

Lily is quite the bad listener. She just doesn't care. And if I get mad at her and punish her by taking away her toy for example she just plops down on the ground crying for Papa. "Mama said NO! I want my Papa! Mama said NO!" I wonder what she thinks he is going to do?