Dienstag, 29. März 2011

It's been a while

It's been a while since I wrote about all of the little things the kids are up to so here we go...

- Emmi learned how to ride her bike without training wheels. We are so proud of her. She has been using a balancing bike for a while and transitioning to a real bike was super easy. She was cruising down the street on her own after just a few minutes!

- Emmi also learned to make herself go on the swing which she commented with: "I think I am four already!"

- Lily is all about "Mine" and "I do it". She wants to do it all and she wants to do it all by herself. She refers to herself using I, Me, Mine and very seldom Lily. Emmi referred to herself as "Emmi" for much longer while Lily never really did.

- Conversation this afternoon:
Emmi: "I am hungry"
Me: "What do you want to eat?
Emmi: "Pasta"
Me: "Okay. Do you want Pasta too Lily?
Lily: "Emmi Pasta"
Me "What do you want Lily?"
Lily: "PIZZA!"

- Lily loves Puzzles! And she is really good at them. She has outgrown all of the wooden peg puzzles and has moved on to regular puzzles. She can do a 15 piece puzzle with just a little help and she will get it out over and over again to practice. She is better at doing puzzles then her big sister who hasn't shown much interest in it. Oh, and she loves doing puzzles on the ipod touch. But I am a little embarrassed about that since my parenting principles don't really include my not even two year old playing video games. But oh well, sometimes parenting just happens.

- Emmi's favorite thing to eat right now if we go eat out for lunch is ........
SUSHI! Tuna avocado rolls from Whole Foods to be specific. She still doesn't like Pizza or Fries. A picky eater for sure but not of the regular kind.

- Lily potty trained herself. She has been going on and off for a few months but now tells us almost every time. She still has about one accident a day but still not bad! And of course she has to go to the potty all by herself too. The only thing we are allowed to help her with, is hand her some toilet paper.

- Emmi is the whiniest kid in the entire world. We have never seen anything like it! She whines and cries about EVERYTHING! It is driving me insane!

- Lily's favorite word is "Hunger". She could eat all the time.

- Lily loves to aggravate Emmi. She knows all she has to do to make Emmi upset is walk up to her and tell her "My Mommy!". And our big cry baby falls for it every time. I am starting to think it's hilarious.

Mittwoch, 9. März 2011

We did it!

We spent TWO night away from the kids AND we did NOT call them once. We never get much time for just us and we weren't sure we'd still know what to do without having the kids around but guess what!? We had a great time!
We spent our little getaway in a little village in Austria sledding, skiing/snowboarding and hanging out in the sauna. The weather was great the hotel was awesome and we can't wait to go back...

Sledding down to our hotel!

I should have gone to the gym a few times before...


Waiting for the parade...
...and they even had real princesses in it!

The cutest Bee and Princess were with us :)

We timed it right where the kids not only get to dress up for Halloween this year but also for Mardi Gras in Germany. We watched the parade in Munich and had fun at the kids carnival on the Marienplatz.


We went to our favorite indoor pool several times and had a blast every time. Lily and Emmi are getting really comfortable in the water again after out winter break. We signed Emmi up for Swim Lessons right after we get back so hopefully this will help. Lily loves the water slides, even the really big one and we have to convince her that she cannot go down it herself. The best part about this public pool? It's pretty much "swim at your own risk" (So they expect me to watch my own children?! gasp!!!), so no lifeguards on duty spoiling the fun :) .