Die Kinderaerztin war auch zufrieden. Emmi wiegt 11 Kilo und ist 84 cm gross. So ein grosses Maedchen!!
Emmi ist two and quite a personality. She is outgoing and makes friends everywhere. Preferably older girls between 3 and 6 years old. She can use the potty on her own and doesn't need diapers anymore but she sometimes forgets that. She knows most of her colors. She loves role playing and plays Kitchen and Baby with her doll and all of her stuffed animals all the time. All 20 stuffed animals also need to sleep in her bed at night and since it gets kind of crowded in there Emmi moves to Mama and Papas bed in the middle of the night most nights. She can draw a crooked "irkel" and a "long snake". She's a little monkey and loves to climb where the big kids go. Naps are for babies and not so much for Emmi anymore, but a bottle with milk to go to sleep at night is for big kids too. Understanding English and German is no problem if she wants to. Speaking both isn't either. She likes to eat pretty much anything but Chocolate and Pasta are her favourite. Preferably together if Mama would let her.
The pediatrician was happy about her too. She weighs 24 pounds and is 33 inches tall.
Und Lily ist auch schon zwei Monate alt. Sie kann ganz lieb laecheln. Dreht sich vom Ruecken auf den Bauch und wird dann sauer weil sie eigentlich garnicht auch dem Bauch liegen will aber sich nicht wieder zurueck drehen kann. Sie versucht mit ersten kleinen Erfolgen nach ihren Spielsachen zu greifen. Sie spuckt soviel und so zielsicher das selbst das groesste Spucktuch nutzlos ist und die ganze Familie mehrmals taeglich umgezogen werden muss. Sie badet gerne im Badeeimer und im Pool. Sie schlaeft. Und sie isst. Und sie schlaeft. Sie wiegt 5500 gramm.
Lily is already two months old too. She can smile real sweet. She can turn from her back to her belly. She hates to be on her belly but can't turn back which makes her mad. She is getting good at swatting at her toys. She spits up so much and has such a bad aim that even the biggest burp rag doesn't do it. Everybody gets to change clothes quite a bit. She loves to bath in the tub and the pool. She likes to sleep. And sleep. And eat. She weighs almost 12 pounds.
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