Wir verbringen mindestens einen Tag am Wochenende Downtown und gehen zuerst fruehstuecken und dann spazieren, zum Wasserpark, zum Kindermuseum... Letzes Wochenende waren wir zum ersten Mal im Umlauf Sculpture Garden was Emmi ganz toll fand. Zum Glueck durfte sie alle Sculpturen auch anfassen, sonst waere es nur halb so lustig gewesen.
This one apparently reminded her of me. She called it a "Mama" and hugged it real tight.

Emmi really liked the baby sculpture and informed us very quickly that it was in fact a boy baby...
We usually spend at least one day every weekend downtown starting with Breakfast at Whole Foods which has become our family weekend tradition. Afterwards we'll either walk around Town Lake, go to the fountain at Butler Park, go to the Children's Museum... Last weekend we took the kids to Umlauf Sculpture Garden for the first time. Emmi loved it! She loved running around and looking at all the sculptures and telling us what they were. Luckily it's okay to touch the sculptures too, or it would have been only half the fun for her. She is obsessed with angels right now, so she was very happy about finding some angel sculptures too.
2 Kommentare:
haha...that made me laugh about the boy statue!! hilarious! i love the pic of emmi hugging the "mama" statue! so cute.
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