Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

Lily is such a polite child....

Me: "Lily, do you need to pee?"
Lily: "No thank you Mama!"

Me: "Lily, can you please stop doing that?"
Lily: "No thank you Mama."

Me: "Lily, stop pouring out your drink!"
Lily: "I'll be very careful Mama."

....except when she is not...

Lily: "Can I watch a movie?"
Papa: "No, we are done watching movies."
Lily: "But I want to!"
Papa: "No, not now."
Lily: "Hmmmm, I am NOT gonna play with you!!!!"

And she sure gets her feelings hurt easily...

Papa: "Lilian, do NOT take your sisters toys!"
Lily (in tears): "Mama! Papa is making me SAD!"

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