Freitag, 15. Juli 2011

We are moving...

We have decided to take the big step and move to Germany by the end of the year. We have been talking about doing this for a while now and during our trip to Germany in March we finalized our plans. So the past month has been crazy trying to prepare the house to put it on the market. New laminate flooring in the living room, new paint, new light fixtures, new faucets, new stove and spotless from top to bottom our house is on the market since Friday. Selling the house that we brought both our babies home to from the hospital makes me really sad and I already know I' will cry once we sell it. So many memories are attached to those walls but I guess we'll just have to make new ones. And even though we are really sad about leaving so many people we love behind we are excited about this new and exciting time for our family. Stay tuned for updates :)

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