We went with Will and Audrey and picked our Christmas Tree a couple of weeks ago on Evergreen Farm in Elgin.
Emmi and Lily agreed surprisingly quick on a perfect tree.
...and Emmi carried it home.
The End.
At least as far as Emmi was concerned.
She was super happy with her two feet tree but I wanted more.
I wanted something at least as tall as me and non native to Texas. And I got it.
If I can't have snow on Christmas I want at least a perfect tree...
...and some real Marshmallow roasting...
...we took our trees home.
And next year I'll have to pick a taller tree since we were actually able to fit it IN our car, which means I didn't get a picture of a tree tied to the roof of our car. Bummer ;) .
Vor zwei Wochen haben wir unseren Christbaum von der Weihnachtsbaum Farm geholt. Emmi und Lily durften sich ihren eigenen Baum aussuchen was Emmi super toll fand. Ich wollte lieber was groesseres und auf jeden Fall keine Fichte. Und fuer Faelle wie mich gibt es zum Glueck auch "importierte" Baeume. Wenn ich schon keinen Schnee krieg zu Weihnachten muss wenigstens ein gescheiter Baum her :) .
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